About Us

koala conservation

Joanne Green
BAppSc (Hons), PhD

Jo Green has expert skills in growing, managing and monitoring native vegetation and has worked in the environmental field in the northern rivers region for over 20 years.

Jo studied terrestrial and aquatic botany, agroforestry, and vegetation management at University of New England and was inspired to study at Southern Cross University in 2009, when she completed Honours in Aquatic assessment of water plants. Her interest in botany of the local region led to a PHD in ecological restoration in 2009 with a focus on soil algae and the role it plays in colonization and establishment of other biodiversity.

She has worked as an Environmental Specialist for Wetland Care Australia, environmental consultancies, Byron Shire Council and Southern Cross University.

In 1996 she planted her first mixed species cabinet timber plantation on land at Mullumbimby. Since 1996 she has grown and planted many thousands of local trees for biodiversity in Byron Shire.

She has worked extensively across the northern rivers on riparian, koala and vegetation management projects and is well known for her botanical and ecological expertise.


Alison Ratcliffe
BSc Information Systems, Cert IV Conservation Land Management

Alison has extensive experience as a bush regenerator, team leader, project and event manager, administrator, and graphic designer.

She first starting work in conservation in England. Since moving to Australia in 1999 Alison has worked with Conservation Volunteers Australia, Green Corps, Green Army, International Student Volunteers, Greening Australia, Envite, Bushland Restoration Services and Landcare.

Aly has worked on numerous projects in the northern rivers including bush regeneration, project management, event planning, and community building projects.

She has worked on environmental projects for more than 18 years.

Her passions include anything that lets her be out in nature. In her time off you’ll find her bush walking, gardening, painting or spending time with her 2 children.


Greg Shanahan
BEnvSc (major: Resource Mgt)/ BMarineSc (Hons), Cert III Horticulture

Greg is a qualified horticulturist and landscaper, with extensive experience in large scale native plant nurseries and landscaping. He has worked for many years as leading hand on small, medium and large scale projects. With a passion for organic farm garden food production, he has worked as coordinator of an organic community farm. In addition, he was actively involved with the marketing process as a director of Wholefoods Co-operative.

Greg’s completion of a Bachelor of Environmental Science at Southern Cross University has led to a focus on resource and catchment management.

He worked as a Natural Environment Officer for Byron Shire Council, 2016 – 2017. Key elements within this role were the development of strategic plans and project management. Further work in property maintenance and development has included an ongoing position on Byron Shire Council’s Biodiversity Advisory Committee, and fulfilling the role of secretary of Brunswick Valley Landcare, 2017 to 2019.

He is a member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) and the Subtropical Farm Forestry Association (SFFA).


Jane Wickers
BAppSc (Hons), Post-graduate Diploma GIS, Cert IV Conservation Land Management.

Jane has a passion for using technology to achieve science-based environmental outcomes. She has been active in Brunswick Valley Landcare since 2000 and has a passion for on the ground wetland restoration.

Jane has 23 years experience in environmental analysis and assessment. She has worked as a GIS specialist for the Wet Tropics Management Authority, the NSW Department of Environment, the Queensland EPA, Department of Primary Industries and Department of Natural Resources, Tweed Shire Council and Byron Shire Council and as a GIS consultant.

She has provided GIS expertise on Byron Shire Council’s Environmental Zone implementation, the Queensland Fire Ant Eradication programme and in landscape scale analysis of environmental values for Regional Forest Agreements and regional biodiversity assessments.

She has specialist skills in mapping and GIS, databases and web enabling maps, spatial analysis, environmental planning and bush regeneration.


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