Earthscapes Projects

EarthScapes have completed a range of environmental projects for landowners, Government and NGOs.

The Resilience and Hazards 2021 SEPP

The Resilience and Hazards 2021 SEPP includes mapping of Coastal Wetlands and Littoral Rainforest. Earthscapes Consulting were engaged by Byron Shire Council to undertake a review of the mapping. The project involved consultation with stakeholders and use of GIS technology and ecological expertise to recommend updates to the mapping.

Northern NSW Regional Koala Conservation Strategy

The koala is listed as ‘vulnerable to extinction’ under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 because of declining numbers and the ongoing pressure of threats. EarthScapes Consulting have been tasked with preparing the Northern NSW Regional Koala Conservation Strategy. This document aims to To develop a regional approach for coordinating the conservation, recovery, and management of Koala populations in the Northern Rivers region of NSW over the next 30 years.
More information:

Flood Impact Assessments

The floods of February -March 2022 devastated the Northern NSW.  EarthScapes Consulting was engaged by Bangalow Koalas, WWF, Byron Shire Council and Tweed Shire Council to assess the impact of the flood events on koala plantings.

Site assessments collected data on the flood event, tree species and the ecological impact of the floods. Photo point monitoring took place at over 200 sites in the northern rivers.

Mitchells Rainforest Snail

Mitchells Rainforest Snail Thersites mitchellae is a critically endangered land snail found in north-eastern NSW. The snail’s habitat has been heavily impacted by land clearing and fragmentation. EarthScapes Consulting was engaged by Byron Shire Council to map the potential habitat of the snail in Byron Shire. A Habitat suitability model was developed to predict the spatial distribution of the species based on environmental parameters such as vegetation.

Photo: John Stanisic

More information on Mitchells Rainforest Snail:

Northern Rivers Koala Habitat Restoration Project

The Northern Rivers Koala Habitat Restoration Project aims to to establish an enduring archive of koala habitat restoration sites in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. EarthScapes Consulting have assisted in the collating of data, mapping of restoration sites and consultation with stakeholders.

More information:


Property Plan Work

EarthScapes consulting have been engaged by many landholders across the northern rivers of NSW to prepare a Property Plan. Each Plan details the following elements of the property:

  • Description of the physical landscape; soils, hydrology, flora and fauna.
  • Environmental weeds and control measures
  • Current and potential agricultural and ecotourism land uses
  • Biodiversity zones; including protection and enhancement of these zones
  • Threats to the natural natural environment.
  • Income generating activities and how to implement them.
    Advice on funding opportunities.

Byron Shire Council ecological work

EarthScapes Consulting were engaged by Byron Shire Council to update vegetation mapping, map Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) and high environmental value (HEV) mapping in Byron Shire. This work involved ecological assessments, biodiversity analysis and GIS mapping techniques.

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